Elizabeth 01

Elizabeth Kosi was born on 10 February 1971. She is one of our best jewellery manufacturers and is a skilled bead maker. She also produces beads for our jewellery.

Elizabeth has never gone to school. "There was nobody who thought I should," she says.

Elizabeth became a widow in 2005 and has 3 sons: Jaba Francise, Tetteh Prince and Teye Dominic.

The two oldest boys work, while Dominic goes to school.

Elizabeth's hope for the future is to be able to give her children a good education, so they can take care of her when she grows old. She particularly hopes that she can afford to send Dominic to university.

Universities are very expensive in Ghana - especially for single parents without education and without good income.

Elizabeth and her boys live together in a small rented room close to our jewellery production. She also rents a room in an "extended family house", which is a one-storey building with many rooms each being rented by a whole family.

Elizabeth also has a piece of land where she grows corn, manioc and cassava that she sells.

She is a busy and hard working woman. The quality of her jewellery is always excellent, she is extremely fast and we are very happy to have her in our jewellery production.